Friday, September 14, 2007

Nothing Good Comes Of It

Merely as an attempt for accountability, am I writing this post. Dert's evening of recovery reminded me of a recent decision I made. After countless times of having "one too many," I've decided to retire the beer mug. (Maybe it can be bronzed and placed next to the General's football cleats)

I'm not swearing off alcohol all together, that approach is much too drastic and immature. Some people go way too far and act as if alcohol is a mortal sin, I don't think that that way. (I have a mother-in-law that does, so I'll probably still keep some hard liquor in the house just to taunt her.) I've just decided that it is no longer fun to deal with all the side effects that come along with drinking too much. On the effort scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the hardest, this should be about a 1.25 for me, I'm not a frequent drinker now, nor is this a major life changing event.

A glass of wine at dinner with my wife, or a cold beer at the ballgame will remain as options on my menu, however it will be limited to one drink, and only when my company shares the same approach. If they take a more aggressive approach towards their mental impairment, I will refrain all together so I can clearly remember the things they probably wish they hadn't done... and drive home if necessary.

My thoughts here may not be popular, that's ok, nor I am suggesting they are right for anyone but myself. I just felt compelled to make them known.

As evidenced in the photos, many people are able lead very productive, healthy, active lives without having to limit themselves... unfortunately, I'm not one one of them.


ACE said...

Who's the handsome devil on the sidewalk? He looks like a professional mechanical bull rider I once knew.

I have often thought about hanging up my spurs as well, but I find that my body did the hard work for me. I can't consume nearly what I could back in the day. It's a dirty shame I tell you!

Dert said...

When my roommate went out with this girl last night, I knew the recent outside chill had him scrambling for a winter snuggle bunny. When I woke up just after 3 a.m. to hear her retching, I knew he wasn't getting any. When I heard her again after 4, and after 5, I just felt sympathy. There was no moral color: I also have been wrapped up in an eventful night and eaten barely anything. And afterwards I have gone through long periods of much more reasonable behavior.

And yes, the raggedy day this week at my new job (four weeks) was not good. And yes, I have finally learned to eat ferchrissakes. But periods of reasonableness always slowly erode into balls-out celebration. Is that the snake eating its tail?

General Ursus said...

Although I haven't come to the point of making a conscious effort to limit my consumption of alcohol - like Ace, the decision is being made for me. I'm just unable to consume as much as I used to without feeling both too physically bloated and gaseous, which in turn limits my sociability - the very thing alcohol is supposed to enhance.

The other thing is that I get up at 6:00 in the morning, and the older I get the less I'm able to function at all if I have more than six beers. Used to, for instance back when I worked construction with Sarge, I could throw down a 12 pack the night before, go to bed at 1:00am and still get up at 6 and work outside in the heat. Usually by 10:00am I'd forgotten I even had a hang-over. Not so much anymore.
It takes me ALL day to recover, sometimes two days. The utter lethargy and laziness drunkeness causes me not only frustrates me but excacerbates any insecurities I have about myself.

Probably, over and above the physical is the spiritual/psychological/emotional/...and self respect. One thing that is becoming apparent is that getting wasted does not age well. It's embarrassing enough to see people who are old enough to know better romanticizing alcholism or getting drunk, but when you wake up the next morning and realize you've done it again...thinking about all the dumb stuff you said...that's miserable. It's like the older I've gotten my sense of shame has increased, which is a good thing.

So, all that's a long-winded way of saying, good on ya Sarge. Hopefully, you'll see me not too far behind you.

SuperT said...

Where did you get the picture of me in vomit? It is legitimately me.