Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hamm's Bear

I always wished my dad would switch from Coors (in the tan can), to Hamm's because of these commercials.

Whatever happened to the days of marketing adult products to children via cartoons, riding in the back of pickup trucks, and not having to come home until the streetlights came on?


General Ursus said...

When the Hamm's bear came on I knew it was time for the Royals game.

ACE said...

I recently went on a float trip in central Iowa where the beer of choice was Hamm's. I think I played the part of the Hamm's bear.

Dert said...

Hamm's, always a romantic choice, what with the jingle and the bear and the cool moving water signs in bars and basements.

But man does it mess with the ol' GI system... (see previous fitness video).