Monday, June 11, 2007

The Truth Project: Some Initial Impressions

I went over to the Sarge's compound last night for some "fellowship" and to listen to and discuss a lecture given by Dr. Del Tackett for The Truth Project. On their website the lecture we listened to last night is described this way:

Lesson 2 - Philosophy and Ethics: Says Who?

Truth is not simply an academic concept. The way we think about truth has a direct bearing upon the way we live our lives. What's more, our understanding of right and wrong is directly dependent on our worldview: is the universe God's creation or a closed cosmic cube?

To sum up the basic thrust of Tackett's lecture would be to say that the universe, from a Biblical worldview, is not a closed cube. Tackett describes the universe as a cube (not literally) in which a transcendent God is actively involved. Whether we believe this or not has necessary consequences on our concept of right and wrong.

There's nothing here I'd argue with except that I would liked to have heard some discussion about how we've arrived at this point where right and wrong seem to be up for grabs. For example, what cosmological discoveries influenced the Western world to abandon the notion that humans have a priviledged place in the universe? How have scientific and technological discoveries effected our reliance on a Biblical worldview where a transcendent God controls all that happens? How have political and economic ideologies (democracy and capitalism) - that many conservative Christians celebrate - contributed to an increasingly "subjective"/"culturally relative"/"postmodern"/"Godless" worldview?

For the most part I agree with the conclusions Tackett comes to, I just wish he would have given a broader (fairer) perspective on how the above mentioned developments shook the "firm" foundation of Truth we Christians hold as the building block of living the life God intended.


Dennis said...

The real question is - was T-Rex actually a predator, or simply a scavenger...hmmmmmmm?
What do you say to that, Mr. Sagan!

General Ursus said...

Ha! You should have brought your boys down to clear up the matter.

I saw you laughing over there when the discussion got around to whether T-Rex and the other dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark.