Monday, June 25, 2007

Look Who I Met At College, Mom!

Silvio, I don't know if I can agree with you that tattoos make people look dirty. This upstanding gentleman looks as fresh as they come. I'm not sure but I think I've even read somewhere that Neo-Nazis actually shower twice, sometimes three times a day...with Dove...depending on how many "coloreds" they curb stomp while doing the thankless job of cleansing the human race.


Silvio Dante said...

I guess there's no parol in sight for this fine christian man. I don't think the parol board will buy his story of being fully reformed and ready to contribute to society. He might get out along with his cell mate. You might know him as Mr. Manson.

General Ursus said...

I don't know if they're cell mates but they do share the beauty enhancing swastika on their foreheads.