Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey is coming back to Kansas City - May 3rd. I had the pleasure of attending this event last year after being invited to tag along with the General. Mendy and I are planning on going again this year. (Little known fact - Mendy has actually been on his TV show.)

Dave's plan is simple, applicable to anyone, and best of all - it works. In fact, to call it "Dave's plan" isn't really correct, it is more aptly named: common sense.

I've heard many criticize that he's "making money" off people by doing this, and it's just another scheme (including a previous version of me). These people are typically self proclaimed financial guru's that already know how to "leverage" their debt, and say things like "money's cheap these days." True, he's making money at his business, but there is certainly no scheme. In fact, tickets to the day event are only $30, and don't plan on purchasing them with a credit card - his company practices what it preaches and doesn't accept them - cash or debit only.


General Ursus said...

Was Mendy on the TV show or the radio show? Did she talk to the man? Anyway, yeah, I was glad we went last year. He did a great job of affirming a lot of things I'm sure my parent's taught me when I was young but I'd forgotten somewhere a long the line. His plan seemed almost instinctual.

I believe Sparky a.k.a Matt wants to go so you might want to contact him.

fistfullasteel said...

Sooooo General, hows Ramsey's debt reduction program working? I'm sure we would all like to know before we spend 30 hard earned dollars on this revelation.

Dennis said...

Correction: she was on the radio show. She was originally supposed to be on the TV show, but got switched to radio. She did actually talk to Dave. Her question was related to her mom...go figure.

General Ursus said...

Fist: My debt reduction is going pretty well. I recommend you spend $30 and see him.