Sunday, January 20, 2008

One of the groups I belong to on Facebook is "You're not making Christianity cooler, you're making Rock n' Roll worse" which is a quote from Hank Hill, and I found the above photo on their page. I guess if I were God I'd totally listen to Slayer over Stryper.*

*The last sentence used to read "I guess if I were God I'd probably listen to Slayer over Stryper." After DMS/Sarge's comment I've decided to use stronger language.


Dennis said...

The teachings of Hank Hill are normally right on target, this one included. However, this might be taking it a tad too far. Taking pot shots at Stryper is fun for everybody - how can you not, but advocating Slayer...come on. Pentagrams, zombies, goat heads - all very cool indeed. Not.

General Ursus said...

A couple things here...DMS? Sarge?...having a little identity crisis are we? Anyway, I think H.H. is a fairly good cultural critic, but the sagacity of his "teachings" could be considered dubious considering his apparent inability to handle Bobby's sexual identity crisis.

Using "not" as a complete thought is what is not cool. After your post I've upgraded my opinion to "advocating" for Slayer. I was hesitant to say that God actually would listen to Slayer, so I just said if I were God I'd probably listen to it over Stryper. I'm removing the probably and saying if I were God I'd totally be listening to Slayer - especially when I was filled with Holy Wrath.

Dennis said...

Yes, I struggled with a name change due to other uses of my account - I wasn't sure if other viewers would appreciate "Sarge" as much as the Canteen soldiers, and I couldn't keep up with two different identities...oh well.

If I knew what sagacity meant I might have more comments regarding Mr. Hill.

I'm glad you were able to find the irony in "Not". Rock on.

Dennis said...

I added a photo to my profile as a hint to my old identity - just in case anyone gets confused.