Monday, March 24, 2008

Do we really want a Republican for pres?

George W. Bush: accomplishments as president
* Attacked and took over two countries.
* Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury.
* Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history.
* Set economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.
* Set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market.
* First president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.
* First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.
* First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.
* After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, presided over the worst security failure in US history.
* Set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips than any other president in US history.
* In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job.
*Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work Americans than any president in US history.
* Set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12 month period.
* Appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history.
* Set the record for the least amount of press conferences than any president since the advent of television.
* Signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any president in US history.
* Presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed.
* Presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.
* Cut healthcare benefits for war veterans.
* Set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.
* Dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history.
* My presidency is the most secretive and un-accountable of any in US history.
* Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (the 'poorest' multi-millionaire, Condoleeza Rice has an Exxon oil tanker named after her).
* First president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously go bankrupt.
* Presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud of any market in any country in the history of the world.
* First president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation.
* Created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States.
* Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any president in US history.
* First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the human rights commission.
* First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the elections monitoring board.
* Removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history.
* Rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant.
* Withdrew from the World Court of Law.
* Refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.
* First president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors (during the 2002 US elections).
* All-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.
* My biggest life-time campaign contributor presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation).
* Spent more money on polls and focus groups than any president in US history.
* First president in US history to unilaterally attack a sovereign nation against the will of the United Nations and the world community.
* First president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1)
* First US president to establish a secret shadow government.
* Took the biggest world sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).
* With a policy of 'dis-engagement' created the most hostile Israeli-Palestine relations in at least 30 years.
* First US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.
* First US president in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than their immediate neighbor, North Korea.
* Changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.
* Set all-time record for number of administration appointees who violated US law by not selling huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts.
* Failed to fulfill my pledge to get Osama Bin Laden 'dead or alive'.
* Failed to capture the anthrax killer who tried to murder the leaders of our country at the United States Capital building. After 18 months I have no leads and zero suspects.
* In the 18 months following the 911 attacks I have successfully prevented any public investigation into the biggest security failure in the history of the United States.
* Removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other president in US history.
* In a little over two years created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided the US has ever been since the civil war.
* Entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.

Please fellow canteeners let us think twice before we vote yet another republican into office. If not for our sakes but for our childrens sake.


Mr. Wilson said...

Sarge I can see it now. "Kids Im going to vote in favor of the republican party yet again eventhough we may see the greatest depression our country has ever seen. No need to worry kids. I still have my arsenal of weapons at my disposal I will just hunt for our food. Will it be possum or rabbit for supper tonight? Your mother is sewing your coon skin caps and leather moccasins right now. Make sure you get some sleep tonight we have to be up by 3 am so we can get the horse and buggy ready to take u to school."

Man wouldnt that be great? Just like the old days. Please reconsider your option.

Mr. Wilson said...

Accidentally erased you comment sarge. Meant to erase my first comment but did yours instead. Please forgive me.

General Ursus said...

Sarge's deleted comment:

Nice to hear from you B-Dub. Why don't you try something controversial next time?

Do we really want a Republican for President? - Yes, I do.

Why is it that democrats are so good at pointing out what they feel is wrong, then they like to make an emotional appeal to our sense of entitlement, yet never seem to address their real stance on issues?

As for my children's future, I try daily to instill in them a sense of responsibilty for their own actions. For instance, if they fail to complete their responsibilties as a member of our household, they are probably going to miss out on some of the priviledges that they otherwise might have earned.

Try teaching that lesson to an 8 year old, and follow it up with an explanation of how our welfare program works.

Try justifying to that same child why he should work hard to earn a living and provide for his family, just to have a greater portion of it taken away and given to those who don't...those who claim to not be able to work for one reason or another, but have no trouble finding their way to the casino or coming up with the cash for that new tattoo.

Try explaining the difference to your child between wants and needs when he can't have all of the junk food he wants, but the guy paying with food stamps is stocking up on Twinkies, potato chips, and Coke.

Here's a fun topic to discuss with a young pliable mind - Why does little Bobby have two Daddys?

It doesn't take a kid genius to come up with this one: Why are American labor unions continually pushing for increased wages and benefits that it's members are "owed", but they aren't willing to tie that to an increased level of productivity and performance on the part of the worker? Don't these extra costs just make the product more expensive and therefore less competitive in the free market, thus being completely oppositional to that "Buy American" bumper sticker plastered over the large plastic molded testicles hanging from their trailer hitch? Okay, so maybe the kid doesn't word the question quite that way...but you get the idea - it just doesn't add up.

Yeah, for the sake of my kids, I'll be voting Republican.