Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolution

With the new year upon us, I decided what better time to start a new reading plan, so I purchased a new Bible, called the One Year Chronological Bible, NLT. I'm already familiar with the NLT (New Living Translation) as it is what I currently use, but what makes this Bible unique is that it is arranged in chronological order - in the order the events actually occured. In addition, it is divided into 365 daily readings, so you can start and finish the entire Bible in one year, in the order the events actually happened, without having to flip back and forth between passages. Although I've read much of the good book, I can't claim to have read it cover to cover, so I'm hoping this will aid in my desire to do so.

Chronological or not, if you're unfamiliar with the NLT version, I highly encourage you pick one up. I am not particularly good at deciphering a lot of big words, or ancient sentence structure as found in some of the other traditional versions, so the NLT, in today's language, is the perfect balance for me of readable, understandable text and biblical integrity. I often cross reference between the NLT version and a New King James version, and I'm always amazed at how much more the NLT actually makes sense to me.

1 comment:

General Ursus said...

Good on ya, Sarge! I embarked on the ambitious undertaking that is reading the whole Bible several years ago. So far I've read the New Testament three times and I just finished Isaiah today in the Old Testament, so I've still got some ways to go in the Old. I usually will read four chapters in the Old Testament and one or two chapters in the New every day, when I'm on top of things.

I like the idea of chronological order in your new Bible.