Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Struggling in Ohio as the Economy Tightens

This article was recently forwarded to me which featured the ladies pictured here. Read it for yourself, then come back.........

At first blush, I thought this was a parody on low income welfare recipients, but I soon sadly realized it was for real.

These ladies, and the media outlet who chose to run this story in this fashion, are classic examples of what is wrong with today's society. I cannot muster any empathy for someone who has NEVER had a job due to depression from a car accident at age 23!?

Are we to be proud of their nobility because they have chosen to take the high road and not impregnate the 19 year old daughter as another source of revenue? As Bronco would say, "well that's mighty white of 'em!"

Someone close to her needs to let the daughter know that one of the reasons she's having a tough time getting a job is because of her appearance. I don't mean to be derogatory, but she is grossly overweight and a forearm tattoo doesn't help matters (another wise choice that my tax dollars were spent on) A career in nursing...come on.

Part of their survival plan includes "cutting back on ice cream". It goes without saying that while this is an obvious need of theirs, it hardly justifies economic stress. Looking in detail at their budget, these women are actually profiting by leeching off the taxpayers, and literally living quite large. With all necessities covered (food, rent, utilities) with the exception of clothing, these two still have leftover money.

Note that the grandmother still has a teenage son at home, yet her daughter Gloria is 40 and Angelica is Angelica's uncle is younger than her. This by itself isn't terrible, but it notable when combined with all the other pieces of this story.

I can't help but question the work ethic and the desire to really make something of themselves. Unfortunately a pattern is being created from parent to child, then from media to the masses that this is ok, when it is not. It is being portrayed and taught that this type of living is normal, and that as a society we should continue to support it, when we shouldn't. I can't comprehend how anyone could read this and still be in full support of the current way government assistance is administered.

In the words of Ronald Reagan, "welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence." Apparently we've lost track of this sound advice.


General Ursus said...

If nothing else it looks like some waistbands are tightening. God almighty, those two ladies look like two medieval empresses a piece. I realize the standard of living has gone up but...I guess poor ain't what it used to be.

Christi said...

It is unreal that this was a "real" news story, well as much as you can call NPR a "real" news organization. Somehow I find it fascinating that the editor didn't decide the agenda would be better suited had they left OUT the picture of these two women. I for one, feel terrible that this family will have to do without the steak and pork chops to which they have become accustomed. (yeah, right)
But hooray for her for realizing that babies for barter is NOT an appropriate parenting plan and not perpetuating the legacy of her family and keeping the cycle of poverty going. Good for her, I guess...
Again I say...real news? Seriously??