Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Semper Fi

This is an outright act of selfishness and total disrespect for the very people that defend these psuedo-citizens rights to do what they are doing. The irony is so thick it is ridiculous.

It is perfectly acceptable to disagree with the war, to be anti-military, to object to certain policies of the government, and to voice your opinion in a respectful way of any of the above. However this is just taking it too far. These people should be tried for treason. There is no excuse for nonsense like this and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Nothing can be said to justify the actions of this group or the city council of Berkeley. I am sick. Cut off the funds, cut off the protection, cut off the transportation...let them die off (or be killed off) on their own terms, we don't need them.

If there were ever a time that I wished to cuss, it is now.

More details

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